13 | RS Lynix 369L
SO Remedy 7F
RS Dakota 602D
Date of Birth
Rincker Simmentals
Every once in a while in a pen of elites, one female steps out and continues to differentiate herself and RS Lynix is that heifer for us. Different terms come to mind here on 369L like rare, elite, exceptional, and even that unicorn we are looking for in winning show heifers! We all see and know the impact that SO Remedy is making in the showring and we could not be more pleased with the mating to our DLS Dixie Erica Broker daughter, RS Dakkota. This girl always has her game day face on with so much look and shape and talk about one that haired up quick, in this heat! Wow! This gal has it together with both her show ring appeal, clean and long fronted, strong topped, deep centered, and sound legged and yet has that maternal made, good flushing Dixie Erica granddam tucked into her pedigree that will suit her well when she?s done at the backdrop. Guess you can tell I like this one! Adam Swigart did too!