6 | 5 Bred Heifers
Service Sires: Bear MTN Capitalist 316-9571 or Bear MTN Assurance Plus 0592
Consigned by
Weathers Farms, Nikki Weathers

* EPDs may not be current please check the sale supplement or with the respective association.

This group of baldy heifers will be a group of big, broody cows. We weren’t planning to sell them until we got the call for the sale. They all come from great cows so we know the history of how good they’ll be. They have generations of elite genetics behind them. We hand pick every bull to make our baldy herd. If you don’t breed them, they will make phenomenal recip cows for any breed! They are due 2/26 for 30 days bred to Bear MTN Capitalist 316-9571 or Bear MTN Assurance Plus 0592. We are willing to take them home and calve them for an additional cost.
Vaccine Program: Branding- 7 Way, Inforce 3, synovex C, OneShot, Dectomax Weaning-7Way, Bovi-Shield Gold Bangs vaccinated December 5th- Scour Bos 9