9 | Boitnott Diamond Girl J5
TJSC King of Diamonds
Boitnotts Attagirl 8514
Boitnott Cattle
Breed DOB
Purebred Simmentals ASA #3917133 5/13/21

* EPDs may not be current please check the sale supplement or with the respective association.

Boitnott Diamond Girl (Jewels) is an eye-catching baldy Purebred Simmental cow. This heifer had a tremendous show career and the one we still brag on to this day as going to 25 different shows during her show career capturing many champion and reserve champion honors. Her last show before hanging up the show halter Jewels took home a banner for breed Champion, I think that speaks volumes for her correctness, do-ability and longevity. Her 2023 calf is currently hitting the show circuit for the Schwantz/Westen family and has been turning heads as a competitive purebred Simmental steer. AI bred to Hill Valley Reckoning (AAA#19721994) on 10/18/23