1 | Pick of the Caffee Ranch herd IVF Flush
Don't miss this exclusive chance to IVF flush any cow from the heart of The Caffee Ranch in South Dakota! We take pride in our robust cow base, offering diverse and exceptional opportunities for all breeders. These cows are proven, they possess genetics capable of receiving a handshake at the most prestigious shows, yet they remain productive, raising replacement heifers and bulls suitable for any operation. In 2023, the top 5 heifers averaged $18,000, with the highest reaching $27,000 and finding a home at Boot Creek Farms in SD. Similarly, the top 5 bulls averaged $13,500, with the highest fetching $14,500 and making its way south to Louisiana! Secure this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on sale day and set the stage for success in your breeding program!