19 | PCC Who Dat Raptor
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This DUAL-REGISTERED heifer ties a long, skinny neck high out of her shoulder and offers a killer look from the side. Like her flush sister that sells as lot 20, following what’s sure to be a successful show career, this female carries additional revenue generating potential!
Lots 19 and 20 are flush sisters out of JSUL Who Dat Raptor 6976D ET, the powerful member of the PCC donor herd that was the Supreme Champion Junior Heifer and Grand Champion Junior Chianina Female at the 2017 North American in Louisville. Raptor 6976D produced PCC Who Dat Raptor 130L ET, the Grand Champion Bred & Owned Chianina Female and Champion Early Junior Heifer Calf Bred & Exhibited by Bryson Pembrook, who is maternal sister to lots 19 and 20, as well as PCC Wide Load 738L, who was named Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull at the 2024 AJCA National Junior Show before selling 2/3 interest for $10,000 in the Fall 2024 PCC Sale. Additionally, Raptor 6976D has also made her mark beyond the show ring with progeny sales exceeding $225,000 including the $63,000 sister to lots 19 and 20, PCC WJ WHO DAT RAPTOR 342L who was the top-selling Chi heifer in the 2024 Spring PCC Sale; the $17,000 PCC WHO DAT RAPTOR 211L and the $12,500 PCC WHO DAT RAPTOR 216L that sold in the Fall 2023 PCC Sale, the $25,000 PCC LF WHO DAT RAPTOR 830J that was featured as lot 2 from the 2021 Fall PCC Sale where a flush also sold for $14,000; the $48,000 PCC WHO DAT RAPTOR 205H ET and the $13,000 PCC WHO DAT RAPTOR 212H ET both features of the Spring 2021 Limited Edition Sale at PCC, and the $14,000 PCC JSUL WHO DAT 9847G from the 2020 Limited Edition Sale just to name a few. In the Spring 2022 PCC Sale, a heifer pregnancy sold for $14,000 and eight embryos sold for $4,000 per embryo.
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