15 | OHL LEADER 35L (ASA # 4319152)
FRKG JUSTICE 113J (ASA 3958102)
SIECK PEEK A BOO (ASA 3370825 AMAA 479438)
PSH Color Breed BW AWW
P B/W 3/4 SM 1/4 MA 90 ET

* EPDs may not be current please check the sale supplement or with the respective association.

There are three of these full brothers in the sale. Really the only difference is that 9195 is a lot older. Peek A Boo has produced one of our top selling bulls or heifers for the last three years. She does not miss. 37 and 35 came of off a cooperative herd and are a little younger than their brother. Wow have they exploded. They are soft made, great in their muscle shape and really good stuctured. You make the decision as to which one fits you best. All three of the brothers earning potential is unlimited.