39 | OHL LAPTOP 565-4L (ASA 4305551)
W/C PASSWORD 28E (ASA 3336324)
OHL LUCKY 565-4C (ASA3665019 ACA 380605)
PSH Color Breed BW AWW
S BLACK 1/2 SM 5.11 CHI 88 696

* EPDs may not be current please check the sale supplement or with the respective association.

Power, power, power, deep and soggy. His dam, our 565-4 cow is backed by a long time OHL cornerstone dam and donor, Cream Puff. She herself has raised several of our top end bulls. These Password bulls not only give you performance but also make great females. The dam to this bull is so consistant, she is one we rely on year after year to be one of our top end producers. Definitely, the power is in the blood.